佛教修學體系的建設與反思 (Reviewing the Teaching Systems of Buddhism)

這是生命的實相,明白了這一事實,更要知道人身難得,佛法難聞,應該對佛陀和祂教授的解脫法門生起信心,精進修行。論中之王-龍樹菩薩之《大智度論》云:「佛法大海,信為能入,智為能度」。三寶的角色是教導、警覺,開悟還從自心!而信心的出現,是對生死的恐懼、困惑驅使我們改變,例如李連杰先生在面對海嘯後的大轉變,全身投入佛事、慈善事業。眾生要找尋依怙者,如子覓母,不論元始乘、大乘和金剛乘都以佛陀、 祂的教法及其僧伽聖眾為皈依的對象,金剛乘以重視修持故以尋找心靈的導師為一切的開始—根本上師,故作四皈依、皈依上師、佛、法、僧。以上師身為僧寶、上師語為法寶、上師意為佛寶。其中更有不同層次的、對自性的皈依。密宗皈依之對象—三寶:佛、法、僧,三根本:上師、本尊、空行,三身:法、報、化—非為九種不同之實體,乃為勝義皈依之九種互相依存相連而不可分離之相面。
By Lai Yat Kwong
Buddhism started in India and has flourished in all parts of the world. In East Asia region there are three schools of Buddhism comprising Chinese, Buddhism, Theravadan Buddhism and Tibetan, Buddhism. The Theravadan Buddhism is based on the teachings of Early Buddhism. The Chinese Buddhism of Great Vehicle has eight schools (Luzong, Sanlun Zong, Jingtu Zong, Chanzong, Tiantai Zong, Huyan Zong, Faxiang Zone, Mizong). Tibetan Buddhism is based on Vajrayana and has incorporated the essence of Mahayana, Tantrayana, Chinese Buddhism and the Great Vehicle teachings in the last era of India Buddhism as means to attain enlightenment.
The biggest challenge faced by the various schools of Buddhism is how to spread and adapt the teachings to the ordinary beings in the modern day world. To better resolve this issue teachers and leaders should first review the philosophy, the origin and development of Buddhism, then devise a system best suited to the present day society.
Faith and Taking Refuge
The sentient beings churning in the wheel of samsara should realize the suffering inflicted on them and should have faith in the teachings of Buddha. Buddha himself has shown and proved to us that one can attain enlightenment by following the correct path.
All schools whether it be Early Buddhism, Mahayana or Vajrayana, all take refuge in Buddha, His teachings (Dharma) and in the sanghas. Vajrayana emphasize in practice, so finding the right guru is utmost important in pursuing the path to enlightenment, thus the taking of refuge in guru, Buddha, dharma and sangha. In Tantrayana the refuge is in the three jewels: Buddha, dharma, sangha; three roots: guru, yidam, dakini; three bodies: dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, nirmanakaya.
Dharmakaya: | “dharma body”, or “truth body” by which the Buddha is of the nature of the essential Absolute Reality, of “emptiness”, so called because it is “empty” of all finite characteristics. |
Sambhogakaya: | this is the spontaneously luminous aspect of Dharmakaya. This is the semimanifest form endowed with the five perfections, perceptible only to the highly realized beings. |
Nirmanakaya: | this is the most easily perceived subtle body which is manifested out of compassion to help ordinary beings. The supreme emanation takes birth in the world as a unique person and has special forms of body, speech and mind for the ordinary beings not in a position to reach the Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya state of mind. |
Arousing the awareness of ordinary beings to Buddha’s path of enlightenment and their will to take refuge and learning of dharma is the primary work of the preachers of Buddhism.
For those who pursue the path of enlightenment just for the benefit of themselves would follow the teachings of Early Buddhism. For people who want to benefit themselves as well as others would follow Buddha’s path of Mahayana. Mahayana practitioners would practise bodhicitta and the Four Immeasurable Thoughts in order to reach the state of enlightenment. Realising the state of detachment and cessation of all sufferings to the state of Pure Perfection are the objectives of all Mahayana and Vajrayana practitioners. It is not difficult for the present day people with their wisdom to understand all these, but persistence in pursuing the path is a different matter altogether. Therefore it is necessary to institute vows and pledges for the practitioners, thus the Five Vows, Ten Virtues and Bodhisattva Vows are very important.
Vows as Teacher
Each category of practitioners follows its own set of vows: laymen the 5 vows, for ordained practitioners, novice monks the 10 vows, probationary nuns the 6 precepts, monks the 250 precepts and nuns the 348 precepts; for Mahayana and Tantrayana practitioners bodhicitta, the Four Immeasurable Thoughts, the Bodhisattva Vows and Four Great Vows of Bodhisattvahood.
In Tantrayana vows and pledges, the Ten Virtues is the base and the Bodhisattva Vows is the root. Each stage has its own vows and pledges to keep: vase initiation the 14 Root Downfalls; tantric initiation the 8 Transgression and the 5 family Buddhas’ Samaya; the higher initiation the Rot and Supplementary Vows correlated to the body speech and mind of the guru and ultimately the Bodhicitta Vow of Dzogchen.
Steps to the Path of Enlightenment
With vows to keep them straying from their path, practitioners will pursue different methods to attain Buddhabood.
Followers of Early Buddhism will practice the Four Noble Truth, Twelve Limbs of Dependent Origination, Thirty – seven Aids to Enlightenment and all the related methods and they also study various Buddhist texts as means to attain the stage of four abiders or Pratyekabuddha. As these practitioners in their path of practice do not help others to benefit and seek detachment they can only attain lesser nirvana and not ultimate detachment, thus are not in a position to attain Buddhahood.
Followers of Mahayana will practice Discipline, Meditation and Wisdom and study all Mahayana Buddhist texts including but not limited to texts of Correct and Entensive, Wisdom, Dharma-flower, Nirvana, Flower Ornament, and also have knowledge of Early Buddhism and even other religions like Hindu, so as to be thoroughly conversant with five sciences. Bodhisattvas are leaders of the sentient beings and need to have broad knowledge in all aspects of subjects to be able to convert them and free them from detachment.
Followers of Tantrayana start off with Bodhicitta, with the aim of benefiting others and not themselves, thus can attain the state of Buddhahood.
In Tantrayana the Highest Yoga Tantra is the ultimate practice and can attain enlightenment in one lifetime. In the path, practitioners are taught the four thoughts that turn the mind, the difficulty to obtain human life with freedom and advantage, impermanence of life, the suffering of samsara and the principle of cause and effect. They are also taught the methods of gathering virtues, like taking refuge, bodhicitta, repentment by chanting the Hundred Syllable Mantra. Then they follow the steps in practice, namely, taking refuge, receiving initiations, learning and chanting mantra, practicing sadhana, receiving instructions and receiving special secret instructions from the guru. Initiation comprises of vase initiation, secret initiation, wisdom initiation and noun initiation and each of this initiation will attain the state of nirmankaya, sambhogakaya, dharmakaya and the Buddha state dharmakaya respectively.
The crisis we face is how to spread, sustain and adapt the dharma in this evil world stained by the five defilements. First of all it is necessary for the three schools of Buddhism to unite and complement each other in spreading the dharma by focusing on the training of the mind. By establishing teaching centers, training laymen and ordained persons to become leaders to lead the ordinary people in taking refuge, learning and practicing Buddhism with the ultimate aim of attaining enlightenment. The teachers and practitioners by setting good example themselves for the ordinary people, Buddhism then can continue to flourish in the world.